Thursday 11 December 2014

Currently Coveting: #MyFabWishlist from FabAlley

It is that time of the year where you’re constantly running around from one party to next. Between office parties, birthdays and family get-togethers, you have literally exhausted your wardrobe to its maximum capacity. No matter how many clothes, accessories and shoes you have, you will eventually find yourself standing in front of your closet and moaning in misery, “I have nothing to wear!”
Thanks to the socially demanding festive season, even the staunchest of wardrobe recycler and outfit repeater will be left with no options besides indulging in some much needed retail therapy.

While most of us do not need a reason to shop, the current festive season, paired with Great Online Shopping Festival, #GOSF (10th- 12th December), this is the perfect time, plus opportunity, to treat yourself (and your loved ones) with those coveted pieces you have been lusting after forever.

In my constant search for discovering new and fashionably flexible pieces to shop, FabAlley’s latest range caught my attention. 
From on-trend to classic pieces, they always have a wide variety of products to choose.
 However, what I have always liked about FabAlley, and one of the major reasons I keep going back to it, is, their reasonable price points. 
With a few of my fave FabAlley pieces I and created four #MyFabWishlist looks.

Ever since Beyonce sang to the world, “I woke up like this”, I have been hunting for any merchandise that has these empowering words on them.
My hunt ended when I found this I Woke Up Like This Tee on FabAlley.
For a polished, neat and classy everyday look, pair the tee with a pair of well-fitted pants. Since winter and tartan go hand-in-hand, layer it with a tartan shirt. Thrown on pair of ankle boots, metallic tote and statement sunnies and you are good-to-go. From meeting to lunch dates, this look is ideal for just about any day of the week.

In a mood for a statement-making, fashion forward look? Try pairing the tee with wide grid print pants, bright colour blazer and hi-top sneakers. Up the style quotient by adding a few eye-catching baubles and be ready to be stalked by all your favourite street style photographers.

I am big on repeating my outfits. Hey, when Kate Middleton sees no shame in doing it, why not all of us. Right? 
With just a few add-on and changes, you can easily create two different looks from the very same outfit. 
A basic top and midi skirt is prefect for pretty much anything.  Add a scarf, a classic tote, crystal earrings and ballet flats and you are all set for a hectic day of running errands all day or a laid back afternoon catching up with the girls.

For a Christmas/NYE party or date night all you need to do is, up your glam quotient by adding a contrasting colour blazer and a few chunky necklaces and you are all set for a stylish night out.

Now that you know what is on #MyFabWishlist, do share with me what all FabAlley beauties would you like to fill up your closets with. With festive season in full swing, this seems about the right time to treat yourself to your dream closet. 

 Till then, tra-la,

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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Celebrating Bloggers & Life Outside The Cubicle

There is a very famous quote that does the rounds on Pinterest: “Your dream job does not exist. You must create it.” 
Since the moment I have seen it, I know it was written for people like me.

As much as we all like to be creating our dream jobs, there is a certain set of people, known as bloggers, who have not only crafted their dream job, but have also made it into a successful business. 
From Perez Hilton to Miss Malini and from Bryanboy to Leandra Medine (Man Repeller), these new age self-made men and women have managed to make a career and life outside the cubicle.
As the blogging industry gets bigger and better, the blogger is often seen as the new age role model; an aspirational figure who is inspiring a generation to have it all. Most importantly, the blogger is breaking the age-old dilemma of dream job vs. real job. Instead, the blogger encourages people to pursue their passion and make it their dream job.

As a fashion and lifestyle blogger who is part of the thriving blogging community, I have always wanted to do a post about my fellow bloggers from across genres.  
Scullers ‘This Is Life’ campaign celebrating life outside the work space seemed liked the perfect opportunity to do a post featuring few of my favourite bloggers who have managed to make a career and life outside the cubicle pursuing their passion and living their dreams.

Meet Shreya Kalra, the uber-stylish girl from the blog For The Love Of Fashion And Other Things.
A lawyer by education, Shreya is a Fashion Content Writer at Creative Marketing Fix.
Tell us about For The Love Of Fashion And Other Things?
My blog is all encompassing. It moves from fashion to lifestyle and women centric issues. Primarily about my personal style, I also cover trend reports, a little bit of beauty, books and social issues.

Why do you blog? 
It started off as collating my outfit ideas and style inspirations on a digital platform, which is now so much more than just that. It is my nook to write as I wish for as long as I wish and to style outfits just the way I like them, without any other concerns.

What do you love most about blogging and working outside the cubicle?
It is extremely humbling when people you look up to appreciate your work and more than that, I personally feel flattered when I run into readers who talk about my blog as passionately as I feel about it. Of course, being approached for fun collaborations is an added bonus.

Here's the story of Dakshin Adyanthaya and how his blog Bhooka Janta (which he co-owns with Pranali Punwatkar and Eshaan Mathur) came to be.
A food at heart and an explorer in spirit, Dakshin is a Social Media Team Lead in a digital advertising company called iProspect Communicate 2.
What exactly is Bhooka Janta all about?
Bhooka Janta is a food blog and we cover everything from reviews to recipes to features. In 18 months, Bhooka Janta has had a burger in BURGS named after it, been featured on the show Highway On My Plate Hills with Rocky & Mayur, won the runner's up award for the best Group Blog at IFBA 2013, has its recommendations in the Times Food Guide and more.

Why do you blog? 
There are three ways to know about different countries: One by its people, two by actually travelling there and three by food. 
The love for exploring new cuisines and also informing other, led us to blog about it.

What do you love most about blogging and working outside the cubicle?
Connecting with people, understanding their taste and recommending them the best options in the city. It feels great when people read your blog, go by your recommendations and finally have a smile of their face when they love the food you have recommended. All this and plus the creative freedom you get to execute your ideas which might not be the case when you work in a cubicle.

Somewhere between making topics trend on Twitter and trying out the latest shade of red lipstick, Anu Menon’s Musings of A Bombay Girl was born.
Anu spends her days as a Digital Strategist- Outreach Specialist with DigitasLBi.
Introduce us to Musings of A Bombay Girl?
I've always been passionate about writing and my blog is an extension of myself. I blog about beauty, make up, food, short stories and poems. 

Why do you blog? 
Musings of A Bombay Girl started of as a poetry and short story blog. As I started discovering make up and beauty, I felt the urge to share it with my readers who have been reading and supporting my poems. I was pleasantly surprised when my posts were well received. My readers’ comments and feedback made me explore food as well. 

What do you love most about blogging and working outside the cubicle?
It gives me immense happiness when my readers share with me how useful they found my blog. They value my opinion and I directly or indirectly influence their views. The sheer fact of knowing that people look up to your blog gives me a high sense of responsibility. I learn and unlearn everyday. Each day is a unique experience.

Fondly referred to as the Grooming Guru, Riaan George of Urban Eye, is famous for three things-his impeccable style, his immaculate manners and his lifelong love affair with aviation.  
Man of many talents, Riaan is a Luxury Journalist, Magazine Editor and runs a weekend language school. 
At Urban Eye you will find?
 My three passions: Menswear, luxury travel and aviation. 

Why do you blog? 
My regular job as a journalist requires me to be far more serious about my approach to content, researching features, quoting people, statistics etc. Blogging helps me to lighten things up. Write or post on social media about my favourite things in life - fashion, airplanes and luxury travel. Moreover, it helps me add a personal touch to what I post. My personal style is brought forth. 

What do you love most about blogging and working outside the cubicle?
It is always so fulfilling and rewarding when men ask for my opinion on fashion, or even when some of my female friends take tips from me when shopping for their partners. I also love when people ask me for travel tips. It makes me feel like I am doing a good job. 

On Twitter everyone knows her as the sassy Caramel Wings, but Ashrita Chinchankar is many things- a commercial pilot (on the job hunt as of now), a pastry chef and travel enthusiast being some of them.
Share with us Caramel Wings’ journey.
I bake custom cakes and cookies, and I write about what is new in the world of food. I have had the chance to travel a bit around the world and I truly believe that the window to any new city and their culture is via food. With my day job including extensive travel and my passion for writing I hope to one day bring to my readers the perfect mix between travel, lifestyle and gastronomical delight, and every single day I spend is spent getting closer to my dream! 

Why do you blog? 
I started my blog as a diary for myself, but it grew into so much more; with all the nurturing it got from the readers. Once I knew that people out there are listening, it automatically made me want to write more often. 

What do you love most about blogging and working outside the cubicle?
Honestly, the best part is to be able to stay connected all the time. Whether I am on the go or multitasking, I can always access/update my blog. For baking I receive all orders via social media and being connected helps manage my content on various platforms all at once! 

By doing what they love, this is how these talented bloggers celebrate their life outside the cubicle. Your turn to share the same.
Head over to Scullers This Is Life Facebook page and celebrate life with them. Post your pictures and tag #ScullersThisIsLife. The person with the highest number of SHARES (for a particular picture) will win Scullers gift vouchers.
 Till then, tra-la,
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Monday 3 November 2014

My Body, My Rules; #ButtOut!

It is safe to say we live in a society that constantly questions its women. From the clothes we wear to the colour of our skin to the choices we make, everything is forever being scrutinized. 
However, if there is one thing, we as a society have mastered, it is the art of body shaming. 
What really is body shaming? It is labeling an individual with inappropriate negative terms and statements, based on the their weight, size and body type. 
Contrary to popular belief, it is not just ‘fat’ and ‘curvy’ women who constantly get mocked and shamed. Women of all sizes, shapes and body structure have to deal with it. 
Since childhood we are made to believe in stereotypes, ‘If you become fat, no one will marry you!’ or ‘You’re so thin, you look unhealthy and weak!’

Does a woman have no other identity beyond her physical appearance? When will people understand that an individual's identity is more than their body shape!
It is about time we stop shaming the body and start shaming the minds that mock it. It is not the body that needs shaming but the minds that constantly judge and labels it.
It is time to tell the society, my body, my rules; you need to butt out
Like me, many women across age groups, professions and social structures have had to deal with their share of body shaming. 
I asked a few women their personal experience with body shaming and how they handled it.

No one equates marriage and weight quite like the Indian society. Whether you are thin or fat, tall or short, something about your body will always be a negative marker.
“Nobody is going to marry you with that type of a body!” Like most of us, time and again, Bhavna has been told the same. 

People often equate beauty, personality and likability to being a certain body type, and very little to do with the person itself. 
One such individual dared to tell Ketaki: “This room is full of pretty girls, and Ketaki!”

Body shaming does not start with strangers. It starts with people we know and from a young age.
Teasingly called ‘fatty’ by friends and family to motivate her to get back in shape and for better health as well, a family member once told Aishwarya, “you better get in shape by the time of the wedding; you need to look hot and attractive enough.”

Parampara spent her childhood and early teens as a chubby kid who often got subjected to taunts like, “Aye Moti! Thoda kam khaaya, bhains banti jaa rahi hai tu!” 
Now that she has lost her weight; due to her current lifestyle, the same people ask her mother that does she not feed her daughter well or pester Parampara with comments like, “you’re heading towards anorexia due to rigorous dieting!”
Having been on the receiving sides of both ends, Parampara has learnt how to deal with her critics and has the perfect answer to shut them up.

If weight is the reason for women not getting married, then it has to also be the reason for a marriage not working out, right?
After her first marriage fell apart, an acquaintance chose to enlighten Pratishtha with these words: “If you had maintained your weight, he wouldn’t have had to look at other women.” 

It is no secret, that if there is one industry that has unrealistic body expectations, it is the fashion world.
A photographer, on multiple occasions told Roxanne, what most personal style bloggers have been hinted/ told at one point or another, “I'll do your portfolio, just lose 5-7 kilos, the pictures will come out nicer.” This was told to her when she weighed 50kgs!

While people can’t get enough of telling ‘fat’ girls to hit the gym, the minute they see someone like Tazeen at a gym, working out, comments like, You gym? You run? Hahaha, seriously just go home and eat food” come flying her way.

Take it from someone who has struggled her entire adult life with body issues, body shaming only makes matters worse. You are helping no one by labelling them with derogative terms. 
Every possible body shaming insult has been thrown my way. From being told, “with that body, you are never going to make it in fashion” to “you are never going to find someone to marry” to “have you even tried losing weight? It is not that difficult, trust me! Celebrities lose weight all the time.”

It has taken me a good amount of time to come to terms with my body. I now have one reply for every single body shaming comment.
To be very honest, not everyone who makes a body related comment is trying to shame it, but there is a very, very thin line between healthy, constructive criticism and blatant body shaming.
Whether it is for vanity or health reasons, it should be the individuals, and that individual’s alone, choice to either lose or gain weight.
This post is a part of Jealous 21's #ButtOut campaign. The campaign is all about breaking age old stereotypes and celebrating women the way they are.
Honestly, we can't really celebrate women without ending body shaming. One on hand you tell women to accept who they are and on the other hand you constantly shame them for what they look like.

Society needs to realise that the way a woman looks, her physical appearance and her body alone do not make her who she is. There is so much more to her than meets the eye.

Till then, tra-la
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Friday 24 October 2014

Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014: Trend Report

Attention, fashion lovers! It's time to get acquainted with the key trends of the season.
From the latest must-have print and pattern to the season’s IT colour, here are 5 trends that stood out at Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014.

Which of these Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 trends are you looking forward to try outShare your thoughts with me in the comment section.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014: Different Strokes For Different Folks! (A Fashion Industry Overview)

Twice a year - in pleasantly warm March and then again in rainy August- Mumbai’s streets overflow with fashion editors, stylists and buyers alike. For summer/resort as well as winter/festive collections, Lakmé Fashion Week showcases India’s best fashion talent to the world. Both big name designers and up-and-coming talents are found under one roof impressing the fashion denizens with their latest offerings.

Between shows and while unwinding at the LFW Apartment, I had a chance to chat-up with some of the brightest and rising names of Indian fashion industry. While we all agreed on some points, it was very interesting to see how differently each individual views the same season of fashion week.With everyone having his or her point of view about it, here is what these 5 fashion mavens and mavericks have to say about Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014.
MANISH MISHRA; Principal Features Writer, DNA After Hrs
Hands down one of the best dressed men at Lakmé Fashion Week and in the fashion industry, Manish’s astute observations and keen understanding of fashion makes him one of the most sought-after and respected writer of the fashion world.

Manish’s Top 5 Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 collections
Masaba for prints, Amit Aggarwal for reinterpretation of futuristic bride, Anju Modi for easy and modern bridal line, Payal Singhal for prints and evening separates, Shruti Sancheti for beautiful use of textiles and colour blocking.
Manish's Winter/Festive 2014 Trend Prediction: Sporty chic, which has been prevalent for the last few seasons continued with zippers, lettering and surface texturing finding favour in most collections.

Along with being the Principal Features Writer for DNA After Hrs, Manish is also a blogger. His blog, Made To Pleasure, is a fashion and luxury blog.

SANAA KHAN; Fashion Stylist, Harpers Bazaar India
While India gets to see her creative genius every month through the glossy pages of Harpers Bazaar, I was lucky enough to witness Sanaa’s impressive styling skills firsthand. Not only does she know how to style others well, she also managed to totally kill it all the days with her stellar streetstyle chic looks.

Sanaa’s Top 5 Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 collections
Sanaa's Winter/Festive 2014 Trend Prediction: Sports Luxe, Metallics, Chunky Footwear, Vibrant Colors and Androgyny

ANIKET SATAM; Creative Director, label ANIKET
Designer, dreamer, diva- Aniket (ex Gen Next designer) is blessed with a sense of humour that rivals Oscar Wilde and designing skills that would make Charles Worth proud. A fine blend of fierce and fashion forward, Aniket-the man and the label- is the one to watch out for.

Aniket’s Top 5 Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 collections
Ka sha by Karishma Shahani Khan, no one does 'organic-cool' like her. Loved the mixing of rustic hand knits with clam dyed kaleidoscopic, functional footwear with hand-embroidered texture. Anavilla by Anavilla Misra, for its modern yet modest, rural meets punk. Frou Frou by Archana Rao, her foolproof equation of part masculine, part European meets part vintage and part delicate never fails to surprise. Pinnacle by Shruti Sancheti, knows how to upgrade and update the classic heirlooms. Keeping the soul of the textile, it's all about easy chic with Desi twist. Gaga by Tanya Sharma, for its kitsch pop in wearable form. Mrinalini Chandra’s ‘Shakuntala’ fave accessory collection.

Aniket's Winter/Festive 2014 Trend Prediction:
Crop tops with Churi-skirt / Churi- Culottes: This is the new anarkali with a sassy midriff quotient. 
Red Alert: From heart racing fire engine to deep seductive ox bloods, candied rose to intense blood, time to put on the ‘suhagan’ mode and surrender to the colour of love and lust!
Heirloom High Street: It’s all about sporting rich textile heritage with a relaxed modern treatment. Silk Ikat jackets, zardozi on tee shirts, luxe jamewar trousers, tie and dye turbans, time to treat couture textile with causal coolness.
Chunky-Express: As the festive attire gets minimal, it's time to pull those chunky statements costume jewels out. From Suhani’s tribalesque macro floral pieces to outhouse Mohawk ‘Mangtikka’, this season is all about channeling that latent warrior goddess.
Salt and Pepper: The monochrome magic spell of last spring still continues over to winter. Blocks of extreme black and white have replaced the optical graphics. Layer it as Gen Next's Dhruv Kapoor or go chandelier chic like Farah Sanjana.

Along with being the Creative Director for his label, Aniket is also a freelance writer and educationist.

RADHIKA DHAWAN; Founder, Fashionably Connected and Radhika Dhawan Consultancy
This no-nonsense, soft-spoken businesswoman knows her fashion and, more importantly, she knows how to turn it into a lucrative business. A pioneer, a woman way ahead of her time, when it comes to fashion, Radhika is gifted with Midas’ touch.

Radhika’s Top 5 Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 collections
Anju Modi for old world charm with refreshing silhouettes. Surendri by Yogesh Chaudhary for the blooming sunflower motif, the bright colours and wearable feminine silhouettes. Easton Pearson for a mix of quirky glamour, colours, and their strong emphasis on Indian and African crafts. Quirk Box for whimsical prints, the colours and silhouettes. Raw Mango by Sanjay Garg for beautiful display of traditional crafts in jeweled tone colours. 
Along with these, Huemn, Ilk, Frou Frou by Archana Rao and Debashri Samanta were also some of Radhika’s fave collections.

Radhika's Winter/Festive 2014 Trend Prediction:
Below Knee A-Line Skirt: As seen at Archana Rao, Urvashi Joneja, Quirk Box, Surendri and Karishma Shahani's collections. Skirts are here to stay and the longer the length, the more appealing they are for the cooler weathers.
Winter Floral: Flowers were blooming all the days and were seen at Varun Bahl, Arunima Majhi, Neha Aggarwal, Yogesh Chaudary. Even Frou Frou and Huemn had floral appliqués sprinkled on their garments. 
Checks: Checks ruled the ramp at Karishma Shahani, Pratima Pandey and Shruti Sancheti.
Nude Hues: For both apparel and beauty, nude hues were very apparent. 
Prints: Aartivijay Gupta with her Victorian prints, art meets fashion brand Quirk Box with their whimsical Bombay Balloons, Surendri by Yogesh Chaudary with the happy sunflowers, Payal Singhal's chintz prints, Debashri Samanta with the fish, Farah Sanjana with the chandelier motif, prints made their presences felt this season as well.

PURUSHU ARIE; Fashion Blogger,
Purushu represents the contemporary, digitally savvy side of fashion. From his impeccable sense of aesthetics and knowledge of fashion, to the way he expresses it with words and his illustrations, Purushu is one of the brightest stars of Indian fashion blogosphere.

Purushu’s Top 5 Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 collections
Huemn for minimal, contemporary and quirky designs. Asa Kazingmei for finishing of leather and treatment of rivets. Shantanu & Nikhil, favourite evening/red carpet ensembles. Anju Modi can never get the basic aesthetics wrong. Anavila Misra for the incredible handlooms & ajrak dyeing methods.
Along with these, Antar-Agni by Ujjawal Dubey, Gaurang, Sashikant Naidu and Aartivijay Gupta also are some of Purushu's fave collection

Purushu's Winter/Festive 2014 Trend Prediction:
Floral: Florals were seen at almost every other show either in the form of a print or 
appliqué or embroidery motif or laser cut work etc. 
Metallics: Metallics in the form of embellishment and hues. Asa Kazingmei and Armaan & Aiman used it interestingly in the form of rivets.
Sportwear Influences: As seen in the shows of Tanya Sharma, Farah Sanjana, Huemn
Traditional Weaves: Gaurang showcased his collection full of rich brocades. Anavila Mishra's collection titled Mohenjo Daro featured rustic handloom weaves. 
Vintage Prints: As seen at Aartivijay Gupta, Huemn.

Along with being a fashion blogger, Purushu is also a designer, illustrator & stylist.

Now that you know what caught the attention of these 5 fashion connoisseurs, whose collection picks and and trend prediction do you most connect with? And what do you think of Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014?
Share your views in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la

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Wednesday 3 September 2014

Styled With India Circus

You know, when you love something so much that you want to give it the very best of words to describe it. However, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot, simply because, there are not enough adjectives to describe it! While I have looked far and wide for the right words, the only way to describe Krsna Mehta’s creative brainchild, India Circus, is, an artistic, colourful celebration of all things India.

Ever since I discovered India Circus I have been a major fan girl of the brand. From their quirky pop art motifs to their aesthetic play of multi-colours to how effortlessly they mix Mughal royalty and miniature paintings with modern styles.
Beautifully blending an All-Indian palette with tastefully done kitsch, India Circus seeks to showcase the spirit of life in India, and transcribe this loud and lively experience into contemporary and sophisticated style. From beautiful cushions, luminescent lamps, elegant dining accessories, unique furniture pieces, chic apparels to stylish bags, India Circus has a lot to offer for various corners of your life.

While know for being a popular home decor brand, last year when I won an India Circus Jalebi Riding umbrella through a Radio One contest, that is when I was introduced to their fashion accessory range. Ever since then I have wanted to get my hands on one of their vibrant fashion accessory.
Luck happened when I instantly found not one, but two such beauties: City Fantastic Jhola Bag and Funky Transport Document Holder. Along with being extremely attractive, both pieces celebrate one of the biggest loves of my life-Mumbai!

While I had gotten the jhola bag and document holder some time back, I needed the right occasion for my two new India Circus beauties to made their debut. What better place than India’s biggest fashion event- Lakmé Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2014 for me to flaunt my latest accessories!

Whether you are on-the-go or stepping out for a casual meeting, this India Circus City Fantastic Jhola Bag is the ideal everyday tote. Sturdy enough to carry the weight of all your goodies and stylish too, making it easy to pair it with just about anything.

Bag: India Circus City Fantastic Jhola Bag; Dress: AND; Sandals: c/o Steve Madden India; Necklace: Accessorize India; Makeup: c/o Lakmé Absolute

I decided to up the game when it came to styling India Circus Funky Transport Document Holder. Instead of using it as a document holder, I opted to style it as an oversized statement clutch. 
Before planning to style it in this manner, I thought the size maybe too big to pass it off as an oversized clutch and it may be a tad bit inconvenient, however, the size was not an issue or hindrance and I could easily carry the document folder as an oversized statement clutch.

Oversized Statement Clutch: India Circus Funky Transport Document Holder; Tunic: Global Desi; Leggings: Marks & Spencer; Loaders: Forever 21; Lips: L'Oréal Paris Color Riche Moist Matte Lipstick Orange Power

Let me tell you, India Circus pieces are serious compliment magnet. Due to the brand’s popularity and trademark designs, it is easy to spot an India Circus piece from a mile away. Literally, everyone who saw me with it instantly noticed that I am carrying an India Circus piece.
Incase you don't already know, India Circus now ship worldwide to over 200+ countries. 

Like me, are you also a major fan of all things India Circus? Which range of India Circus do you most love the most? Share your views and thoughts with me in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,
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