Wednesday, 23 November 2011

New [Wo]Man In Town.

I kid you not; when I say, most people believe that fashion and feminism are two opposite sides of a pole. But take it from me, an ardent lover and follower of both; these two are actually very alike. Both work at liberating people and opening up minds. If not for progressive thinkers like Mary Phelps Jacob, we still be bounded within the corset. Just so you know, Mary created the first bra. Similarly, we owe it to Betty Friedan who very bravely burst the so called ‘ Feminine Mystique’. She discovered that women were not happy with just baking cakes, raising kids and being someone’s better half. Lets us not forget the contribution of our favourite French ladies: Coco Chanel and Simone de Beauvoir. For each in her own way offered women bold new choices. Coco took black out of eternal mourning and gave to the world of fashion a new colour. While, Simone enlightened us of the fact that women are so much more than just the ‘Second Sex’.

The point that I am trying to make is, fashion and feminism are actually not so different, if anything they play on the same team. For centuries women have used clothes as a symbol of rebellion and a mode of identity creation. Be it Marlene Dietrich serenading us in a top hat and tuxedo in 'Morocco' or Yves St. Laurent icon 'Le Smoking' and from Katherine Hepburn's scandalous trousers to Annie Hall's vest and ties, right down to the current androgyny trends dominating the runways, fashion has empowered women in its own way. Not only are women taking over, but they are doing it in some major style.

Well then, step aside boys; there is a new [Wo]Man in town. Say hello to the Female Dandy. She's all woman, but loves to dress like a man. And nothing, I mean nothing says sexy better than a woman in man’s clothes. So bring out the shirts, vest, jacket, frock coats, ties, bow-ties, brooches, scarves, hats, jodhpur ect...Ladies, we’ re suiting-up and making Barney Stinson a very happy boy.
Not only is this a very trendy and versatile look, but actually quite simple to create.

In five easy-breezy steps you too can rock the dapper-chic androgynous look.
1. Borrow a crisp white(or stripes/checks) Shirt from your father, brother or boyfriend.

2.Pair it with well fitted trousers. Slim fit or high-waist pants are often preferred for this look.

3.Polish this look off with stylish outerwear. Choose a sophisticated blazer, coat or a tuxedo jacket to create a dashing three piece ensemble.

4.High heel oxford shoes or Boots add a dash of sexiness.

5.Complete the look with some stylish accessories such as  hat, boyfriend watch, scarf, cuff-links ect....

This current androgyny trend brings to mind Gloria Steinem famous words: “Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry”, and from the looks of it; we are dressing the part too. Don't you agree girls?

hat is your take on this trend? Are you loving it, not liking it or still not yet sure about it. Share your view with me in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Express Yourself!

As a kid, during every vacation or festive break I would engross myself in an arty project. One Diwali break it was learning fabric painting, the next summer it was origami, the next one poetry writing and so on. But one thing that I did religiously every single vacation time was make a collage. Since I can remember, I would obsessively tear up pics after pics from old magazines-fashion and otherwise- and collect then. Finally, on the last vacation Saturday I would sit with my collected treasure trove and create my own little ‘fashion layout’. It was through collage making that I discovered and finally fell in love with all things art and fashion.

 My personal belief has always been, that art is one of the finest ways to express oneself. What we cannot communicate in simple language can very well be said with the help of a piece of cloth, piano, paint brush or poetry. I choose to create fashion collage and layouts as my very own way of expressing myself, my sense of style and my eternal love for fashion.

[More information on these pieces here.]
So, when I decided to start my own fashion blog I had to, just had to incorporate collages and layouts in them. And since I do not do self style post, collages function as the perfect choice for expressing my personal style. (Plus, this is the best way to display thing I would love to posses and wear but simply can’t afford them).

Red is one of the most dramatic, vibrant colours. 
It has been used to express multitudes of emotions-from positive to negative. I think red looks its shaded best when used to convey the message of love, festivity and happy moments. Also, it happens to be a personal favourite of mine.I have created this look keeping the current festive and joyous mood in mind.

Do let me know if you liked my idea of doing a style post via collage. Also tell me what you think of my fashion layout. Drop me a line in the comment section with your feedback.

Till then, tra-la,
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Monday, 17 October 2011


Have you ever wondered what Blake Lively looked like pre-Serena van der Woodsen? And has Neal Caffrey always been one sharp dressing-smooth talking kinda man? These questions can be answered in two very simple words:Celebrity Makeover!

 While, my previous post was all about D-I-Y makeovers, this post will show you the different kinds of makeovers-celebrity style. And, yes there is more than one type of makeover. For not all of them are of the same degree or kinds. Some go the distance,while other are happy with itsy-bitsy changes.

No one, I mean NO ONE, does makeover better than our Hollywood’s damsel in style-distress. One minute they are all awkward and mismatched and the next, they are fashion icons. From Marilyn to Megan, every fashionista has literally (or surgically) been altered over the span of time. After all this is what true Hollywood stories are made-off.

Here is a look at some of the best awe-inspiring makeovers. You can borrow a page from their makeover stories and learn a few tricks on the way.

I. Kelly Osborne's Radical 360°Turn 
I must say, it’s almost surreal seeing Miss Kelly O featuring on every single best-dressed list. One can’t help reminiscent that her fashion journey ‘ain’t been no crystal stair’. We’ve watched her metamorphosize from a Pillsbury Doughgirl-esque, angst-ridden tattooed- up teen who shared her father’s penchant for garish make-up and profanity, into a trendelicious swan.
[Image Via: 1.Style Caster; 2.The Fashion Spot 3.Hollywood Life; 4.Daily Mail 5.Hollywood Life; 6. Skinny vs Scurvy]

Losing 60 pounds, her bad attitude and addictions she said goodbye to her punk teenager years and embraced her new found chic-ness. Resting at the top of her fashion game, Kelly is busy dishing fashion advice to divas and denizens. I can’t get over her fab transformation from a reality brat to red-carpet darling. Our very own rock princess has finally grown-up. And we love it. Keep it up Missy!
[Note:This is highly physical as well as emotional makeover. Kelly did not just physically groom herself, she radically evolved as a person and re-invented herself completely.]

II. The 180° flip Gwen Stefani Style.
Deep down I have always believed the song 'Sweet Escape' is Gwen’s fashion evolution confessions. She sings about having been a real bad girl, and you have my darling been very, very bad with your fashion choices. It was a serious crime to watch someone with a face of a pin-up doll jump around like an androgynous punk. As fashion disasters go, Gwen dearest was of nuclear proportions.
[Image Via:1, 5,6 Pop Eater, 2 Buzz Net; 3.Glam Australia; 4. Google Image]

Alas, with fame comes fashion wisdom, and Gwen finally traded tacky for trendy, ska-style for sophistication and No Doubt-boys for Harajuku girls. With a hit solo career and the birth of L.A.M.B and Harajuku Lovers, Gwen transition from drag to fab was complete. Woohoo, Yeehoo!!!(Sorry, could not help myself ; -D)
[Note:Gwen literally did a180°. She flipped her style statement, without changing her core identity. This is a very common makeover among Hollywood celebs.] 

III. From Katie to Kat...
My-oh-my, in seven short years Kat-ie upgraded from humble Dawson’s Creek to high-tech Gotham City, from portraying stereotypical American girl-next-door to channelling Jackie Kennedy and -drum roll please-becoming the other half of the now infamous TomKat brigade.
Katie Holmes fashion graph can categorically be divided into two groups: Pre-Tom and With-Tom. The pre-Tom phase was an oh-so-bumpy road of which the less said the better. One bad fashion choice after another, Katie was somehow not able to find her fashion footing.
[Image Via: All images from Glamour Magazine UK]

Circa 2005 saw Katie in the arms of the world’s most famous actor, a Posh BFF who moonlighted as her personal fashion godmother and the birth of Forbes ‘most influential toddler in the world’. In classy elegance Tom’s Kat walked down the aisle to become Tom-Wife, all along embracing her new found passion for fashion. 
[Note:As makeovers go this is the subtlest one. It’s hard to say where the old you ends and the new you begins. And in Katie’s case there are days when we all ask, has she really embraced fashion with all heart and soul. Or is she just pulling a fast one!]

IV. Sarah Jessica Parker’s Fashion Evolution.
*WARNING*: What you are about to see may undo your years of love and devotion. Or It may just multiple it. Depends on you.
Well, who does not remember her prancing around NYC in her cute pink tutu and tank?  From her bad choices in men to stunning choices in fashion, we have watched her fall in love and rise in style. But, before SJP became the goddess of fashion, she too was...well let’s just say, in words of Stanford Blatch; “fashion road-kill”.
[Image Via: Google Images]

It took little bit of sex and one smart stylist to complete Sarah Jessica Parker’s evolution form dorky child star into ever fashion designer go-to muse. No matter how bad her past choices have been, no one can point a finger at her current style record. Regularly featuring on bests dressed list she has show that style can be attained at any time and age.

When talking of celebrity makeovers how can I not mention our very own Bollywood beauties. We have our own share of celeb makeovers. Take Karisma Kapoor, one day she is dancing in frilly frocks and bushy brows the next she’s all suave and sexy in a red dress (remember Raja Hindusatni). Our claim to Big Brother fame, Shilpa Shetty may or may not have evolved as an actress, but her fashion transformation is of Oscar winning proportions.

Which is your favourite celerity makeover story, and why? Do drop me a line sharing your stories in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,
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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Fall/ Winter 2011 Trend Report- Part 1

Now I must admit, while I don’t much care for the cold weather, these fall/winter trends have me dreaming about winter soiree, luxe pashmina stoles, slouchy sweaters and a bag full of my heart’s desire worth romance novels!

Trend I:Man-Up! 
Forget Mr. Right- this season it’s his wardrobe we need to be set-up with. From Teddy Boys to Mad Men, fashion is completely smitten by all things male. The oh-so dapper androgynous trend flexed its muscles at Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, Michael Kors, Jason Wu, Moschino, Salvatore Ferragamo, Chanel and many more. Well then ladies, it’s time to suit-up.

Trend II: Hue Calling 
Winter, Winter come this fall, who is your favourite colour of them all?  Well, why all of them, ofcourse! Say goodbye to dark and neutrals, eye-popping jewel tones are here, and from the looks of it, to stay. Catwalks world over saw an array of shades: red, blue, purple, orange, green and many more striking hues. Dare and you will see
even the dullest colour in bright vibrancy.

1.So Blue...
Blue is definitely F/W ‘11 must have hue. This gorgeous, urbane shade brilliantly combines the masculine line with feminine grace.

2.Red Alert!
Red made a dazzling appearance; from scarlet to garnet and ruby to raspberry, the catwalks’ all over were smokin red- hot.

3.Black& White
Amidst the colourful winter palette, the evergreen black and white stunningly stood-out.  Many a designers called upon this classic duo to create minimalist masterpieces.

Trend III: Fetish
Gone are the days where fetish was everyone’s dirty little secret. This season we are ditching our inhibitions and unapologetically displaying our love affair with all things kinky. That very moment Kate Moss strutted down Louis Vuitton catwalk wearing bondage boots, loads of attitude and smoking a ciggie, fetish fashion was out, loud and proud. Get set to get your fashion freak on!

So, which trend you can’t wait to try and which one is so not for you? Drop me a line with your thoughts in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la, 
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 [Image Courtesy: Runway Images- Vogue Italia; Background Images-Google Images.]

Fall/ Winter 2011 Trend Report- Part 2

Trend IV: Print-A-Porter
So, this fall prints are having a moment. But, prints are ‘always’ having a moment, I hear you scream. Ladies have no fear! For these are not your average itty-bitty summer prints; these are Fall Prints- Rodarte’s wheat fields or Proenza Schouler’s Navajo inspired motifs or D&G’s alphabets  - a full-fledged trend that is a très bit edgy and downright wow-worthy.

1.Winter Flowers
They're not girly flowers; they're pretty, but in an avant gardesque way. Tiny or supersized, multicoloured or monochromatic, wild to willowy, floral prints seem to have made a huge impact over the fashion scene and continue to rule the runways.  

2.Dare to Dot
Spotted, Polka Dots getting naughty, nice and noticed all over the F/W ’11-’12 runway. Whether you show them on your dress, your jacket, or on a jumper, the dot adds a jolt of playfulness to your outfit. 

3.Wild Thing
Get set to whet your trendy-buds and let your animal instinct come out and play- For femme’s gone feline. Choose leopard, zebra or snake and get set to unleash thy style beast.

4.Star and Stripes
While the stars shone bright at Dolce and Gabanna, stripes ran horizontal, vertical, criss and cross at Sass&Bide, Chloé and Proenza Schouler.

Trend V: Well-Plaid!
The humble plaid has come into its own this season, featuring traditional plaids to Glenn plaids, Scottish interpretations to tartans in eye-catching colours. Not just for shirts, plaid was lavishly used on everything: from dress to skirts to coats and trousers suits.

Which F/W trend has made it on your winter ‘must have’ list and which one are you willing to give a miss?  Do drop me a line with your thoughts in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la, 

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 [Image Courtesy: Runway Images- Vogue Italia; Background Images-Google Images]

Fall/ Winter 2011 Trend Report- Part 3

Trend VI:Retro-spect
Seek and you shall find, a circa of your choice. This winter we are stepping back in time, and doing it in some ma-jor vintage style. Mash ‘40s Glam with ‘70s Boho-Chic, ‘50s New-Look with ‘60s Mod, as you style it, this versatile trend will take you from dusk to dawn and everywhere in-between in nanoseconds.

1.40s Elegance
The ‘40s made an elegant appearance, especially in the form of the day dresses, which were seen at Louis Vuitton and Miu Miu.

2.Peplum Parade
The Dior-esque peplum (“pouf” or faux skirt) has made quite an impression this season. Flattering to a variety of body types, it was spotted at Proenza Schouler, Giambattista Valli, Stella McCartney, Chanel Couture and Elie Saab.

3.60s ‘Mod’ified
Shift dresses, boxy jackets, Peter Pan collars, made up-to-date in jewel tone hues and bold prints were seen grooving down the runways.

4.That 70s Show
This fall, channel the chic 70’s with high waist wide leg trousers, neat bow-blouses, flowing gowns accompanied by plunging necklines or daring slits. 

Trend VII: Glowing with Glitz
To bling, or not to bling: that my dear is the real question.  This fall all things shinny- from gold to silver to bronze to sequins to shinny colours- is welcomed with open arms. But, be warned, if overdone, sheen has the power to turn eye-catchy into costume-y in a beat of a heart.

How many of these awe-some trends have made it to your fave list? Drop me a line with your choices and thoughts in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la, 
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[Image Courtesy: Runway images- Vogue Italia; Background images-Google Images.]

Fall/ Winter 2011 Trend Report- Part 4

Trend VIII: Sheer Delight 
Male domination maybe at an all-time fashionable high, but the ladies refused to be sidelined. Lace was chosen to create delicately sumptuous sexiness by Jason Wu, Marc Jacobs, Dolce&Gabbana and Rebecca Minkoff. 

While, peek-a-boo tops, see-thru maxis and coquettish dresses featuring netting at the shoulders, gave a novel meaning to the term feminine sensuality.  

Trend IX: New Lengths
There is a famous old question, to what lengths will you got to? Lucky for us, it can be anywhere between the knee and the floor. You can either go the distance and pick team maxi or keep it short and pick team midi. Or better yet, play both sides and enjoy the best of both worlds. This F/W the hemline index is enjoying some serious rise and fall. 

Somewhere between the mini and maxi, rests the lesser known and chosen midi or “tea” length. Originally a 40’s lady-like trend, midi fashion has made an enticing re-appearance. From coats and dresses to pencil, pleated or flared skirts, midis intermingled on almost all the runways.

This huge statement making trend has been sweeping the floors and fashion world alike. A plethora of prints, colours and silhouette to choose from, maxi was seen at Gucci, Antonio Marras, Dolce & Gabbana and Rodarte.

How's a girl to choose between so many oh-so-fab and stunning choices, 'sigh'. So whats gonna be your winter style statement this season? Drop me a line with your thoughts in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la, 
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[Image Courtesy: Runway Images- Vogue Italia; Background Images-Google Images.]