Friday, 20 July 2012

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things!

Have you ever wondered what exactly does a fashion blogger need? Great sense of style? An eye for colour? Masters in the art of posing? Ok, Well we need all of that. But, as much time bloggers spend looking their stunning best and sounding fashionably cool, we spend a lot more time frantically researching and writing. Here is a list of my must-haves that help me navigate the fashion blogosphere as well as keep my creative energy flowing.
Functioning Computer: For a blogger our computers are our soulmate. Form communication to style expression as well as source of income, we need our computers. And how! Therefore a functioning laptop goes a long way in running a successful blog! You really can’t have or run a blog without a well–to-do laptop. 

Blog Wear: Like Clark Kent needs his red undies and blue body suit to become Superman, we bloggers swap our pencil heels for some comfy pjs to get our writing mojo on. Seriously, it's insanely  uncomfortable to churn out words, while decked up in bandeau dress and killer stilettos! When it comes to writing, comfort rules. 

Notebook and Pens: What do you do when you have a brilliant idea while waiting at the dentist clinic? How do you preserve that idea before it evaporates away? Say hello to a notebook and {colored} pen. Other that writing your ideas, notebooks are a fun place to collect your fave inspirational quotes, scribble away random thoughts and make fun doddles and drawings. Due to their compact nature, notebooks are easy to carry around pretty much anywhere.

Inspiration Board: Even before Pinterest became an {unhealthy} obsession, I used to love creating collages and inspiration board. Personally, these help a lot. Especially, when you are going through a creative dry spell. We may have upgraded from hand made collages to virtual inspiration boards, but their feel good quality is the reason why bloggers still love and rely on them. 

Healthy Bites: Since I started blogging my snacking has escalated to unhealthy proportions. Like me, if you need food to think, it’s best to keep healthy snacks at hand. You don’t want blogging to be a reason for bloating. Make sure you are stocked up on fruits, nuts, healthy juice, green tea and sugar free mints to nibble on while you ponder away.

Fashion Magazine: Well, they are after all the precursors to fashion blogs. Best place to source ideas, get new inspiration and catch up on latest gossip.

Easy-to-Carry Camera: No fashion blogger worth its salt is complete without a camera. Even if you don’t do style post, you need one to click pictures of beautiful people and things around you.

A Go-To, Go Everywhere Bag: This is more than a bag- it is your home away from home. Be it functional, frivolous or fab, all your pretty possessions can be carried around in this one stylish bag.

The Support Group: The set of people who support you and your blog even if they don’t know what a blog actually is! The have supported you from the beginning- the first ones to follow your blog, ‘like’ your FB page, click your pics and pretty much help in any way as they can. We all have a our loyal supporters, who have stood by us in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and through bad post and great achievements. Without them most of us could not have take the first leap into the blogging world.

Blogger Bestie: Blogging for all its social networking is a solitary project. You basically sit alone on your computer into the wee hours of night typing away. Only someone who does that too will completely understand you. Therefore, every blogger needs a blogger bestie. With whom you can discuss monetizing techniques and ‘traffic’ issues. These are your blogging buddies. Someone who has been there, done that! They may start of as peers but eventually they become your friends, confidant and virtual family.

As a fashion blogger what is your must-have? The one thing that helps you get into your blogging mood? Share your views and thoughts with me in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,
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  1. Spot On about everything. I am trying to change my ways though. Less computer time. Less snacking. More Real Life. Less Virtual life! :)

    ∞ © ∞

  2. I love this cause it's so true!! Def can't write while I'm all tied up! haha!
    What I really wish I had was someone who could take my outfit pictures for me! :/

  3. So true Amena - I really do need my comfort clothing, my blogging bestie, my awesome photographer, my healthy bites and my camera :)
    Lovely post!

  4. So true !! Lovely Post !! Seems like you have pen down every fashion bloggers basics !! very nice post :D

  5. i really enjoyed your blog! x

  6. Such a lovely post.Good you shared it.I have read it half , coz i'm so sleepy.Gonna wake up in the morning to read it first thing - even before my newspaper :)


  7. Really interesting and fab pic!

  8. you are right on the money! Magazines are my must have too! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    PS. New post is up on my blog. Check it out whenever you have time!
    Style-Delights Blog

  9. Interesting post. Couldn't have agreed more. However, I do not carry a note book wherever I go... I will start doing that soon... Infact from now on.. :)

  10. So true!
    I have a habit of jotting everything on my notepad just incase if I forget about it later!

  11. loved this blog!..and every must- have is such a spot on!... :) ....I read it the day you published, but read it again now!... :)


  12. Very informative post I must say. You include quality to your quantity. :)


  13. Bang on Amena!! Mwaahhh!!!


  14. Now that's an awesome post! Totally agree with you, especially on the inspiration board part.

    Much love
