Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Hi, my name is Amena and I am an addict. A Pin-addict. And in all honestly, I don’t see any reason why I should let go of this addiction! 
For those who don’t know what Pinterest is (really?) -it is a virtual pin board. Where you can pin pictures and now videos of your liking. For may of us, Pinterest has become a virtual go-to friend. It’s a great place to discover as well all learn new things; plus it functions as a great source of inspiration. Most people who join it instantly become addicted to it.
All-in-all it's fun, creative and a great source of traffic building for your blog {but, I have not yet benefitted from this aspect} and over-all not a bad addiction to have.

What I learnt from Pinterest.
I have always turned to the internet to teach me new stuff. Circa 2010 I learnt how to do smokey eye make-up and a French braid courtesy of YouTube.
Now, thanks to Pinterest, I have learnt how to do some trendy nail art and a chic hairstyles. Plus, my mom is totally using it to discover new recipes. A lot of new creative ideas can be picked up from Pinterest.
Pinterest is one of the best places online to learn as well as share creative ideas from across genres- fashion, beauty, cooking, arts and crafts, ect.

How has Pinterest helped me?
Other than learning new things and discovering people -I discovered Taylor Tomasi Hill and her awesome sense of style from Pinterest- places and cultures, Pinterest also helped me by providing ideas for some of my blog post.
While randomly pinning away, an idea comes to me and that eventually become a full fledged article. My post on coloured jeans trend was totally inspired by one of my pins.
It is also one of the best platform to showcase your personal talent. Be it personal style, art work, DIY, ect. Plus, it has proved to be a great marketing tool. From designers to TV shows everyone is using it to promote their product.
Finally, there is a feel good factor attached to it. Every time your pin gets repined, or liked or someone leaves a lovely comment, it has a positive effect on you.
[The above collage is an amalgamation of all my Boards on Pinterest.
Everything from fashion to DIY ideas and from my blog images to celeb and street style to inspiring quotes and much more.]

Who all can use it?
The best part is anybody can use it. I got my brother and a close friend of mine hooked on to it. Pinterest can be used and enjoyed by people from all walks of life.
It is a very user-friendly site. Once you join it, all you need to do is install the 'Pin It' button to your bookmark bar and you are good to go.

Why did I do this post?
Firstly, Pinterest is not paying me to do this (but it would be so awesome if they did!). I am currently going through a mother of God creative block. Not just the run-off-the-mill writer kind. More like, I-have-no-creativity-left-in-me kind! And in my darkest days, Pinterest has been very therapeutic as well as inspiring.
I highly recommend Pinterest to anyone who is currently going through a much-unwanted, pesky writer's/creative block. One of the finest places to look for inspiration.

Are you on Pinterest? And have you discovered or learnt something new from it? Share your view with me in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,

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  1. I could not agree - Pinterest really has inspired me a couple of times in terms of accessories and outfits. Plus, I got some awesome bonus receipes from there too :D

  2. creativity block?That is not you?!?
    Well,i would love to try Pinterest...

  3. I have a Pinterest too! Pretty useful :)

  4. Great post Amena.. and am totally addicted to it .. Just luv how you make virtual friends :)

    Sometimes I just miss your post courtesy overcrowded FB following you in Bloglovin..see you soon in PINTEREST :)

  5. I am a pinterest addict from past 1 year I guess.... I love it :)

  6. Hey Amena, I could totally relate with you here. I am PINddicted and loving it too :)

    New post up...

  7. That's okay. Lots among us are Pin addicts, me included. Will surely check your boards out.

  8. We are too! :D

  9. Great post! I agree on most of the points! simple coincidence that I posted on the same thing. I guess thats what pinterest is doing to all of us :)

    Read:Why Pinterest is your new best friend
